08 July, 2014

New York City tips for travelers and tourists

It is just some notes, not a guide book:)

1. If you haven`t been in cities with so many skyscrapers and straight streets before, be ready - it`s a shock! (No, nothing of Moscow or London is anything like that)

2. Don`t ask for Cola if you want some Coca Cola - they`ll frown in lack of understanding. Ask for Coke.

3. Check your metro trip twice. The metro is European style (single tube), and some stations don`t have an underground switching-line passageway, so if mistaken you`ll have to go outside and ask to let you in without double payment. It`s easy to take the wrong entrance outside - it took us a week to learn to exit near our school. They are like magic portals, really:))

4. Ferry to Staten Island is FREE. There`s nothing to see on Staten Island, but a) you`ll see what a ferry is, b) you`ll see Statue of Liberty a bit closer.

5. Statue of Liberty is so small! Did you also think that it looks huge from Manhattan? Wrong! It is huge only if you`re standing just beside it on the small island it stands on, but you`ll have to take a trip there. It`s more expensive to go to the head of it surely, and you`d better book the excursion long before your trip.

6. No, a day is not enough to walk through the Central Park. Also enjoy free clean cool water there - no need to buy bottled one.

7. Check for free or low pay admission in NYC museums. Sometimes they are not stated on the official page. For example, admission to the National History Museum is recommended - "suggested donation" (15-25$), but actually you can donate only 1 or 2$ - actually the amount is up to you!

8. There is free WiFi in the middle of Times Square on the red stairs. And 50% off tickets to Broadway musicals under the stairs (beware the long queue).

9. It`s bitterly cold due to condition system in transport and buildings in summer - it`s highly advisable to have a jamper, a cardigan or a shawl with you.

10. Cheap umbrellas live till the first shower & wind - don`t waste your money. Enjoy the rain!

11. McDonalds. The service is different: you make an order, pay, take a receipt with your number, then wait for your order until your number is on panel, take it. (Russia: make an order, pay, wait right there in the queue without a number, receive).  The only fast-food chain I know, where the restrooms are for customers, but there`s no system to trace it.
In Burger King, Starbucks and many others restrooms are for customers only! You won`t get access to restrooms without a receipt (there`s a code for the lock in it)!


1. Если вы никогда не были в подобных городах с громадными небоскребами и прямыми улицами, готовьтесь к шоку! (Нет, ни в одном месте в таких городах, как Лондон, ни тем более Москва вы не испытаете подобного)

2. Если вы хотите Кока Колу, не спрашивайте Колу - сделают непонимающее лицо с тонкой ноткой удивления. Просите "Коук" (Coke). (Да, логика.)

3.  Как следует проверьте свой маршрут в метро, запомните названия конечных станций на направлениях, на которые собираетесь пересаживаться. Метро там не как у нас, с одной трубой и двумя платформами по бокам, а на некоторых станциях нет подземного пути пересадки, придется выходить на улицу и объяснять охраннику\билетеру, что вы ошиблись направлением, и билет не работает (не прошли 15-30 мин (не помню) с первого прохода).
Наверху в свою очередь (в некоторых местах) легко запутаться во входах и выходах из метро. За отведенную нам неделю мы еле научились выходить рядом с курсами, а не на соседней улице.

4. Пассажирский паром до Стейтен Айленд бесплатный. На Стейтен Айленд вроде толком нечего смотреть, но а) вы покатаетесь на таком пароме, б) поближе увидите Статую Свободы.

5. Кстати, о статуе. Она вообще не такая, какой мы ее представляем. Она гораздо меньше! Даже с самой близкой точки на Манхэттене! Чтобы она показалась действительно большой, нужно подъехать к островку, на котором она стоит. Подняться на ее голову выйдет еще дороже, и записываться нужно заранее, иначе не попадете.

6. Нет, дня вам не хватит, чтобы обойти Центральный Парк. И не ходите по велосипедным и выделенным беговым дорожкам. Зато можете пополнить запас воды из фонтанчиков.

7. В некоторые музеи можно попасть бесплатно или почти бесплатно, причем это не всегда указывается на сайтах музеев. Например, те 15-25$, которые просят в музее Естественной истории - "рекомендованные". По факту вы можете на кассе попросить билет за 1$, и вам дадут! (как вспомню, как это называется, скажу - это деньги, которые идут на поддержку музея). Вот один из многих сайтов о подобных акциях в музеях: http://jaa.su/kak-sekonomit-na-dostoprimechatelnostyah-v-nyu-yorke/ (А в МОМА я сошла за ребенка 14 лет - им бесплатно (мне было 20))

8. Посреди Таймс Сквер в районе красной лестницы есть бесплатный WiFi. А под лестницей можно купить билеты на бродвейские мюзиклы, проходящие в этот день, с большой скидкой.

9. Снова общая информация для больших американских городов. Летом в транспорте и помещениях жутко холодно из-за кондиционеров - носите с собой какую-нибудь кофту или платок, чтобы не простудиться.

10. Дешевые зонтики, которые продаются на каждом углу, живут до первого ливня с порывистым ветром. Если очень надо, купите по факту (небольшой дождь, надо оставаться сухим), чтобы потом быть готовым выбросить со спокойным сердцем.

11. Макдональдс. Система обслуживания немного другая: после оплаты вы получите номер, когда его назовут (или высветится на табло), вы получите заказ. Не толпитесь в очереди у кассы после оплаты.

В сетях быстрого питания и кофейнях туалет только для клиентов! Если в Макдаке еще не особо следят (и то не во всех), то в Бургер Кинг или Старбаксе вы просто не попадете в туалет без кода к замку на двери туалета, который либо напечатан на чеке, либо можно узнать на кассе. (Да, жмоты еще те.)

12. Специально для русских. Цены в США в супермаркетах "неполные" - в них нет нашего НДС. Поэтому сумма на кассе окажется чуть выше от той, к которой вы приготовились. Не пугайтесь и не скандальте! Лучше сходите потом в музей за бесплатно:) (см. п. 7)



25 June, 2014

Let me think about... Penny Dreadful

Usually rather popular things are thought to have no hidden meaning or rather good things are not popular enough.  I`m going to take sometimes some of them for a discussion.

The Nineteenth - "Do you believe in god?". Review on the "Penny Dreadful" series.










Penny Dreadful seems to be some sort of a reply to American Horror Story of rather a high quality. The action takes place in London, 1890. People in England of Victorian age were full of beliefs and superstitions, which inspired many writers. The darkest ones merge into single entity here. Dark tones, gothic violin, black robes, bloody red drapes, flesh and mud, pain and screams, sex and blood – all of those genuinely recreated atmosphere, perfect for a horror series.

The first episode begins with demons, vampires (here is when many want to stop watching, I guess), Jack the Ripper, then – surprise, surprise – Frankenstein. Those who are aware of the history of British literature, know, that the novel was written a bit earlier (1818), but like AHS, time doesn`t predominate here. The story is changed a bit – it`s a sequel, I can say – but so beautifully conveyed, mostly the tragedy of the Creature and the nature of Dr. Frankenstein, with allusions to Wordsworth and Shakespeare.

 Then comes Dorian Grey, seeking pleasure at the edge between life and death. The actor was well chosen well – a true beauty of sin. Well, generally, actors here make the most of the picture. Eva Green is a gothic princess, who seems to be born for such parts, but you can`t tell for sure whom she plays: a fortuneteller, a sinner, a witch, a sufferer, an obsessed with the devil. Perhaps, the scriptwriters are ready to make her everything that fits. However, Vanessa (Eva Green) and Dorian together convey the tempting devilish beauty of the series.


Unlike AHS, that gave many new and old faces a chance to uncover themselves, in Penny Dreadful actors is a mean of attracting the audience. That`s why here are Eva Green, and Josh Hartnett, whom I haven`t seen for a long time, as long as Timothy Dalton and Billy Piper for those, who wants something more serious and dark than Doctor Who. Unlike AHS, where there are no particular characters of literature – they are more like collective images of characters from horror stories of the past. Unlike AHS, there are no breathtaking soundtracks, and the introductive titles include scenes with the characters, which I don`t like (why show me the faces I don`t know yet?). I don`t know what`s become of the characters, but I don`t see the perspective of them changing their roles each season, like in AHS. Finally, when AHS works with the feeling of utter disgust, PD works with the feeling of temptation.











“Penny Dreadful” was a type of British fiction publication in the 19th century that usually featured lurid serial stories appearing in parts over a number of weeks, each part costing one (old) penny. The penny dreadfuls, named for both their cheap nature, and poor, sensational quality, erupted into existence and met the desires of the poor class. The tricky thing is the Showtime`s “penny dreadfuls” seem to be as cheap (surely I don`t mean money), meaningless and transient, that the series won`t last long. However, isn`t any series nowadays just another penny dreadful`s entertainment for our post-industrial information society?

26 January, 2014

Travel report: US - Miami

Place: Miami, Miami Beach (they are 2 different cities)
Time:  August 2013
Hotel: Double Tree - Hilton ***** (Bloody yeah!!!)
Company: a group of Russian teachers and students and me

Practising English, flirting with strangers, being scared while riding buses and metro, relaxing in jacuzzi and swimming pool - that`s what Miami was:) All that for 2 great weeks!

The thing is we didn`t expect the appartments at all! I mean, we expected sharing a small room with strangers somewhere near the ocean and things like that. Nobody told us we`re given this! Five stars appartments in Hilton!!! With a jacuzzi inside the room!!! With a swimming pool and a jacuzzi one floor below!!! For students! Yeah!!!

Alligators like eating cans:)

I was seriously amazed by these automatic cash desks!

View from the upper floors: the closer one is our pool, the farther is of the neighbouring one.

These ones belong to our neighbours, I guess:) 

View from our appartment: the magnificient Miami storm sky!

Here we used to take our bus to Miami Beach every morning to be in time for classes.

Miami Beach

Yeah, I love Miami sky!

Lincoln Road Gallery Walk

Art Deco. Remember this. The style is called Art Deco.

Jerry`s Famous Deli - a nice place to have a dinner in. Cheap and tasty! Warning: big portions!

Ocean Drive in the evening

Other localities

At the front of the bus you (hardly) can see transportable holders for 2 bikes!

And here under the seats are special fastening for wheelchairs. The seats can be removed and a chair can be promptly fasten. By the way, this is the bus driver who does it. 

First time at Shake Shack waiting for my first for so many years burger! The buzzing device was a surprize! "I scream. You scream. We All Scream For... Frozen Custard!" 

EC Miami School

Amazing EC staff! Special thanks to Mark and Allie!

 Fake cameras in the coridor will keep you safe:))

Welcome sign 

That was a bad idea to walk in Miami in the evening, we were really scared of the absence of... somebody in the streets and quickly decided to come back...

Trip to Dadeland Shopping center for my Lenovo tablet:) People, where are you??) (Saturday, 12 am)

The Camera tree. 

Miami Beach

14 January, 2014

Sherlock Season 3 episode 3 failures

1) The Spectacles

For not a single moment I believed that the spectacles might be a device. Honestly. I was deeply dissapointed, that Sherlock thought so (it was written that he thought so). For the God sake, he told himself, that the files can`t be kept on a computer because it can be hacked! What hard drive are you talking about then?! "Sherlock" is not a sci-fi movie, and there isn`t any technology like that by now, except for the Google Glass, but it looks like a Bluetooth headset put on in a wrong way! 

2) The Guards

At the first meeteing Sherlock and John were searched for the guns. At the second one neither Sherlock nor John were searched. You saw the result, a quite logical one. Some say, that`s because Magnussen considered them both harmless, but can`t he, such a smart disgusting buisnessman, do something just to be sure?

Well... I still consider Episode 3 the best of the season, really:) Nevertheless, the idea of working with fans this way, taking into account their ideas and mocking at the same time, was pleasant, a real delight! If you ask me, Sherlock BBC is still my favorite TV show ever. Just because it is that unpredictable and crazy, but witty and charming. Doctor Who is Doctor Who - it has the same features, both series are outstanding. But... 

Doctor Who has about 3 generations of people grown watching and loving it. In 2010 I turned on my TV knowing nothing about what I was going to see. And noone knew. (Well, almost noone, you understand). So I was among the first ones. The earliest explorers, you may call us. And it is amazingly thrilling to have the feelings remain the same. 

Thank you.